PFX2500 Series

PFX2500 Series

PFX2500 Series


  • Maximum voltage: 60.0000 V/Maximum current: 50.0000 A (PFX2532: 200.000A)
  • Capable of seamless charging/discharging (high speed charging/discharging transfer control) (2512/2532)
  • Capable of high-precision measurement of cumulative capacities and amount of power as well as voltage and current
  • Pattern charging/discharging capabilities by 10000 steps are installed
  • Supporting temperature measurement and capable of monitoring temperatures during charging/discharging
  • High speed sampling with maximum 1 ms can be realized (2512/2532)
  • A 6 V range is newly installed and is capable of high-precision measurement (2512/2532)
  • Fully equipped with safety features of the overcharge protection using voltage, electric charge and temperature
  • Battery deterioration is prevented by turning off the output after detecting wobbling and shock with vibration sensor
  • LAN as standard equipment (2512/2532)