Diamond Seeds and Substrates

Diamond Seeds and Substrates

Diamond Seeds and Substrates
Diamond Seeds and Substrates
Diamond Seeds and Substrates
Diamond Seeds and Substrates

Diamond Seeds and Substrates

Larger, harder, serving a broader range of applications

  • Greater hardness and toughness than natural or HPHT diamond
  • Planar substrates with high purity, inclusion free and sector free
  • Single-crystal diamonds up to 10mm square
  • Mosaic-process diamonds up to 28mm square
  • Thickness from 0.01 to 2.5mm, ultra-thin available to less than 50µm
  • (110) and (111) plates for tools and electronics
  • Laser-cut custom shapes: circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, etc.
  • Single- or double-sided polishing available to Ra >5nm
  • Ideal thermal diffusion coefficient to protect devices from generated heat